The 6th AACC Congress 2024

The Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions in Strengthening Constitutional Justice for Sustainable Society

September 18-19, 2024  |  9.00 am - 3.00pm
Attendees : 455 People.

The main theme and sub-themes for the 6th Congress of AACC were chosen for several reasons:
The Role of the Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions in Strengthening Constitutional Justice for Sustainable Society

Firstly, the themes are current and relevant as they align with global trends emphasizing the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals were mutually endorsed by 193 member countries on September 25, 2015, and efforts have been underway since 2016 to achieve these 17 goals by 2030. Notably, SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, is relevant to the justice system, aiming to promote peaceful societies, ensure access to justice, and build effective, accountable institutions. Several targets within SDG 16 directly relate to constitutional courts and equivalent institutions, such as promoting the rule of law at the national and international levels, and ensure equal access to justice for all (Target 16.3), ensuring public access to information and protecting fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements (Target 16.10), and enforcing non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development (Target 16.b).

The Evolvement of Constitutional Justice for Sustainable Justice in the Changing World

Secondly, the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network's 2023 Sustainable Development Report ranked Thailand 43rd out of 193 countries, leading in the ASEAN region and ranking third in Asia, behind Japan (21st) and South Korea (31st). Among AACC members, Thailand is second only to South Korea. The report indicates continuous improvement in access to and affordability of justice in Thailand.

Constitutional Justice as the Foundation of Sustainable Social Development

Thirdly, no previous AACC, WCCJ, or other regional constitutional court congresses have addressed the linkage between constitutional justice and sustainable development. Therefore, the proposed theme and sub-themes for the 6th Congress of AACC not only reflect a contemporary and globally recognized agenda but also highlight Thailand's leadership in sustainable development within ASEAN and AACC. The congress will serve as a crucial platform for exchanging ideas and practices to achieve collective goals for genuine sustainable development.


61 Wireless Road (Witthayu) Lumpini, Pathumwan,
Bangkok, Thailand, Bangkok

Conference Schedule

The Congress of The Association of Asian Constitutional Courts
and Equivalent Institutions: AACC
Board of Members’ Meeting (BoMM) (Initial) - Opening Ceremony of the 6th Congress - Welcome Dinner

09.00 - 12.00 hrs.
  • Registration (BoMM) (AACC Members only) at Pimarn Siam Hall - 29th floor
  • Group photo session
  • Opening remarks by Prof. Dr. Nakharin Mektrairat, President of the Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Thailand/ Chairperson of the Initial BoMM/ President of the AACC
  • Introduction of the AACC members (on their own) (alphabetical order).
  • BoMM (Initial).
     The provisional agenda are as follows:
    1.Session I (Matters of Report)
    1.1.The elaboration of the cooperation between the AACC and other regional groups; namely, the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdiction of Africa (CCJA), the Conference of European Constitutional Courts (CECC), and the Eurasian Association of Constitutional Review Bodies (EACRB).
    1.2The elaboration on the financial statement of the AACC by the Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Thailand.
    2.Session II (Matters for Consideration)
    2.1.Activity report of the Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Thailand during the presidency of the AACC.
    2.2 Reports of the Permanent Secretariats:
    (1) The Secretariat for Planning and Coordination (AACC PSPC);
    (2) The Secretariat for Research and Development (AACC SRD);
    (3) The Center for Training and Human Resources Development (AACC CTHRD).
    3. Session III (Any Other Business)
    3.1 Discussion on the final document of the 6th AACC Congress (the Bangkok Declaration).
    3.2 Discussion on the issue relating to the next presidency of the AACC (2025 - 2027).
    3.3 Other issues (if any).

14.00 hrs.
  • Mr. Atthanit Distha-Amnarj, Privy Councillor as His Majesty theKing's Representative arrives at the Athenee Hotel Bangkok.(The Royal Car parks on the left side.)
  • Hon. Prof. Dr. Nakharin Mektrairat, President of the Constitutional Court, Mr. Suttirak Songsivilai, Secretary-General of the Office of the Constitutional Court, and a representative of the Athenee Hotel Bangkok have an audience with His Majesty the King's Representative.
  • Mrs. Wipawan Havanond, Acting Secretary-General of the Office of the Constitutional Court and a representative of the Athenee Hotel Bangkok present garlands to His Majesty the King's Representative.
  • His Majesty the King's Representative moves to the 2nd floor by an elevator.
  • His Majesty the King's Representative presents in the Grand Hall.
  • His Majesty the King's Representative gets on the stage.
  • His Majesty the King's Representative places incense sticks and candles before the portrait of His Majesty the King.
  • His Majesty the King's Representative pays homage to the portrait of His Majesty the King.
  • His Majesty the King's Representative stands in front of a chair. (The Royal Anthem is played.)
  • His Majesty the King's Representative has a seat.
  • Hon. Prof. Dr. Nakharin Mektrairat, President of the Constitutional Court, offers His Majesty the King's Representative an agenda, a token and monies for royal charity as for the King's pleasure, as well as a token for Her Majesty the Queen.(The agenda and tokens will be presented to His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen accordingly.)
  • Reporting remarks by the President of the Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Thailand.
  • The Secretary-General of the Office of the Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Thailand introduces the persons to be granted royal presents: the President of the Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Thailand, the Presidents/ Chief Justices/ Chairpersons/ Heads of Delegations of other Constitutional Courts/ Equivalent Institutions (alphabetical order), Special Guests, Patrons of the Constitutional Court and the Office of the Constitutional Court (approx. 43 persons).
  • Opening remarks by His Majesty the King's Representative.(The Royal Anthem is played.)
  • His Majesty the King's Representative pays homage to the portrait of His Majesty the King.
  • His Majesty the King's Representative leaves the stage.
  • His Majesty the King's Representative leaves the Grand Hall.
  • His Majesty the King's Representative moves to the 1st floor by an elevator.
  • His Majesty the King’s Representative stands next to the car.
  • His Majesty the King's Representative leaves the Hotel.

Dress Code
Government officials: government official uniform.Private organizations / Other participants: business suit. (black is not applicable.)

15.00 - 16.00 hrs.
  • Opening remarks for the Congress by Hon. Prof. Dr. NakharinMektrairat, President of the Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Thailand/ President of the AACC.
  • Special remarks by Mr. Gianni Buquicchio, President Emeritus of the Venice Commission.
  • Group photo session.

16.15 - 16.30 hrs.
  • The Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia pays a courtesy call on the President of the Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Thailand.

17.00 hrs.
  • Participants leave the Athenee Hotel Bangkok for the Royal Thai Navy Convention Hall.

17.30 hrs.
  • Participants arrive at the Exclusive Lounge - 1st floor, the Royal Thai Navy Convention Hall.

18.00 hrs.
  • Welcome dinner on Chao Phraya Princess Cruise (boarding at Royal Thai Navy Convention Hall Pier.)
    (Dress: smart casual)

21.00 hrs.
  • Participants leave the Royal Thai Navy Convention Hall for the Athenee Hotel Bangkok.

21.30 hrs.
  • Free time

The 6th Congress - Gala Dinner
08.30 - 09.00 hrs.
  • Registration at the Grand Hall - 2nd floor.

09.00 - 09.10 hrs.
Welcome remarks by Hon. Prof. Dr. Nakharin Mektrairat, President of the Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Thailand/ President of the AACC.
09.10 - 09.30 hrs.
  • Greeting messages by the Presidents/ Chairpersons/ Representativesof other Associations of the Constitutional Courts, total 4 persons (approx. 20 min.)
    (1) Hon. Miss Elvira Azimova, Chairperson of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan and President of the Eurasian Association of Constitutional Review Bodies (EACRB);
    (2) Hon. Mr. Moussa Laraba, Justice of the Constitutional Court of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria and Secretary-General of the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdiction of Africa (CCJA);
    (3) Hon. Mr. Enrique Arnaldo Alcubilla, Judge of the Constitutional Court of Spain and President of the Ibero-American Conference on Constitutional Justice (CIJC);
    (4) Hon. Ms. Holta Zaçaj, President of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts (CECC) (Pre-recorded video).
09.30 - 09.40 hrs.
  • Break.
09.40 - 10.30 hrs.
  • Session I: "The Role of the Constitutional Courts and
    Equivalent Institutions in Strengthening Constitutional Justice for Sustainable Society"
  • Chairperson: Hon. Mr. Gangabaatar Dashbalbar, Justice of the Constitutional Court of Mongolia
  • Co-chairperson: Hon. Mr. Noppadon Theppitak, Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Thailand.
  • Speaker 1: "The Role of the Constitutional Courts of the Republic of Indonesia in Enforcing the Principles of Sustainable Development"
    By Hon. Mr. Prashant Kumar Mishra, Justice of the Supreme Court of India.
  • Speaker 2: "The Role of the Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions in Strengthening Constitutional Justice for Sustainable Society - Perspectives from the Malaysian Judiciary"
    By Hon. Mrs. Tengku Maimun Binti Tuan Mat, Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Malaysia.
  • Speaker 3: "The Role of Constitutional Courts in Strengthening Constitutional Justice for a Sustainable Society"
    By Hon. Mr. Enrique Arnaldo Alcubilla, Judge of the Constitutional Court of Spain and President of the Ibero-American Conference on Constitutional Justice (CIJC).
  • speaker 4: "The Role of the Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions in Strengthening Constitutional Justice for Sustainable Society" By Hon. Mrs. Elvira Azimova, Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • speaker 5: "The Role of the Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions in Strengthening Constitutional Justice for Sustainable Society"
    By Hon. Mr. Kadir Ozkaya, President of the Constitutional Court of theRepublic of Türkiye.

side event
Signing Ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) between the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC) and the Ibero-American Conference on Constitutional Justice (CIJC).

11.10 - 12.00 hrs.
  • Session II: "The Evolvement of Constitutional Justice for Sustainable Justice in the Changing World"
  • Chairperson: Hon. Mrs. Tengku Maimun Binti Tuan Mat, Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Malaysia.
  • Co-chairperson: Hon. Prof. Dr. Udom Rathamarit, Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Thailand.
  • Speaker 1: "The Evolvement of Constitutional Justice for Sustainable Justice in the Changing World"
    By Hon. Mr. Youngjin Lee, Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Korea.
  • Speaker 2: "Changing Conceptions of Constitutional Justice: the Evolution of Constitutional Adjudication in Mongolia" By the Mr. Ganggabaatar Dashbalbar, Justice of the Constitutional Court of Mongolia.
  • Speaker 3: "The Evolvement of Constitutional Justice for Sustainable Justice in the Changing World" By Hon. Mr. Ali Muhanna, President of the Supreme Constitutional Court of the State of Palestine.
  • speaker 4: "The Principle of Legal Certainty in the Practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" By Hon. Mr. Sergei Kazantsev, Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
  • Speaker 5: "The Role of the Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions in Strengthening Constitutional Justice for Sustainable Society"
    By Hon. Mr. Emil Oskonbaev, Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Kyrgyz Republic.

12.00 - 12.20 hrs.
  • Q & A session.

12.20 - 13.30 hrs.
  • Luncheon.

13.30 - 14.20 hrs.
  • Session III: "Constitutional Justice as the Foundation of Sustainable Social Development"
  • Chairperson: Hon. Mr. Marvic Mario Victor Leonen, Senior Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of the Philippines.
  • Co-chairperson: Hon. Prof. Dr. Chiranit Havanond, Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Thailand.
  • Speaker 1: "..........................................................."
    By Hon. Mr. Marvic Mario Victor Leonen, Senior Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of the Philippines.
  • Speaker 2: "The Role of the Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions in Strengthening Constitutional Justice for Sustainable Society"
    By Hon. Mr. Prashant Kumar Mishra, Justice of the Supreme Court of India.
  • Speaker 3: "The Role of the Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions in Strengthening Constitutional Justice for Sustainable Society"
    By Hon. Mr. Aung Zaw Thein, Chairperson of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
  • Speaker 4: "Sustainable Society through Constitutional Justice"
    By Hon. Mr. Noppadon Theppitak, Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Thailand.
  • Speaker 5: "Constitutional Reform - a New Development Stage of the Constitutional Justice in the Republic of Uzbekistan"
    By Hon. Mr. Mirza-Ulugbek Abdusalomov, Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

14.20 - 14.40 hrs.
  • Q & A session.

14.40 - 15.00 hrs.
  • Coffee break.

15.00 - 16.00 hrs.
  • BoMM (Final) (AACC Members only) at Pimarn Siam Hall - 29th floor.

16.00 - 17.00 hrs.
  • Closing ceremony of the 6th Congress at Grand Hall - 2nd floor.
  • Announcement of the Bangkok Declaration.
  • Closing remarks by Hon. Prof. Dr. Nakharin Mektrairat, President of the Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Thailand / President of the AACC.

17.00 - 17.20 hrs.
  • Press conference at Princess Valaya Alongkorn Drawing Room.

19.00 - 21.00 hrs.
  • Gala dinner at Crystal Hall - 3rd floor
    Dress: smart casual / national costume (Ladies: skirt)
    (Gentlemen: cocktail attire)

21.30 hrs.
  • Free time